
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Project Rewind: Potion Bottle Pendants

I wanted to share another version of a project I had previously posted.
Being Halloween time I thought it would be appropriate!
Adorable little Potion Bottles!

To make these you'll need EasyCast Resin, PearlEx Pigments, a bowl of sand, and little bottles.

I found my little bottles in the jewelry section of Hobby Lobby.
I have also seen some at Michael's and I've seen some in the dollhouse miniatures section too.

To color my potions I'm using PearlEx Pigments. PearlEx works wonderfully with resin.
I'm using 656 Brilliant Gold, 680 Duo Red-Blue, and 692 Duo Green-Purple.
You can check out all the colors they make here:

Nestle the bottles in sand to hold them upright.
Mix up a batch of EasyCast Resin.
*ETI recommends wearing gloves for your safety* Gloves also help keep your nails nice!

Using a disposable spoon, carefully pour resin into the bottles.
Be sure to leave some room to mix in the color and to fit the cork back in.

Use a toothpick to add some PearlEx and stir it in.

 Let these set for 24 - 72 hours for the resin to harden.

Aren't they too cute?! I love how the PearlEx adds the shimmer and the duo colors give a hint of color change when the light hits them!

Use some E-6000 to glue the corks back in place and give it 24 hours to reach maximum adhesion.

Attach them to a necklace using jump rings and they are ready to wear!!

Be sure to join me for a countdown to Halloween with festive projects each night!!


  1. Whenever I make these they seem to crack after a few days. Have you noticed if they are heat or cold reactive? The ones I've made I keep in my room, and hairline cracks just randomly develop. Once I was wearing one as a necklace that had no signs of cracking, and then I walked outside on a sunny day and it seemed to crack instantaneously, while strangely enough the six in my room I've kept in a paper box show no signs of any cracks, and they've been there for almost a year now. I use envirotex and easycast, thanks for your help!

    1. Oh no! I've never had that happen :( Heat makes things expand so my best guess is that the resin expanded slightly and cracked the glass. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help.


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