
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Farewell to the Eleventh Doctor

If you haven't heard- Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor Who, is leaving the show and they have announced the Twelfth Doctor Who. I don't want to let out any *spoilers* so I will let the Next Doctor remain unnamed.
If you are curious you can check out the BBC Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor on Youtube here:

I wanted to make a project to commemorate the event:
So here it is- a two sided Tardis with the Eleventh Doctor inside :)


EasyCast Resin, Castin' Crafts Pearl Color, Mod Podge, Glossy Accents, and a picture!

These are the images I'm using if you want to use them just right click on the image and select "Save Picture As"

Cut out the Tardis first...

Put it face down over the image of the Doctor and cut around it...

Now you should have 2 Tardis shaped images!

Glue these together to make a two sided image. I'm using Glossy accents because it dries fast and I don't have a vast amount of patience :)

Trim any areas that stick out- like my white edge here!

Once you get them trimmed to your liking, seal both sides with a couple of coats of Mod Podge or your fave craft glue.

When the Mod Podge has dried completely, Mix a small batch of EasyCast Resin. I am adding a little Pearl color to give the resin some shimmer.
*ETI suggests wearing gloves when working with resin for safety* Gloves also help keep your nails nice :)

Pour some resin onto the paper and use a toothpick to spread it to the edges. Be careful not lead the resin over the edge of the Tardis. Add more as needed to get a nice dome of resin.

Let this set for at least 12 hours or until it has hardened before flipping it over to coat the other side.

Mix another small batch of resin and add some pearl color. This time coat the Doctor with resin!

Let this set until completely hardened 24-72 hours.

When the resin has set it only takes a couple of minute to turn your resin piece into a necklace.

Drill two holes just over the words Police Box...


Add jump rings to each hole and attach it to a necklace!


Flip it over and it's the Eleventh Doctor inside the Tardis!


Farewell Matt~ It's been a great trip with you as The Doctor!

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